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The Proud Journey from Vision to Product

The Proud Journey from Vision to Product

November 24, 2016 by Companio

The journey of Companio started when the publicly traded Camex Group, the multi-million chemical industry behemoth, decided to diversify into the healthcare centre. The group entered the wellness industry with a vision that plugged the gap in the way the industry operated in India until then.

So the Camex Group established Camex Wellness Limited and with it was born the brand CMax. To begin with, the brand started trading in Thermal Acupressure Bed and other healthcare devices. But the company switched gears soon enough and became the first company in India to move from trading into designing and manufacturing of these healthcare products. Camex Wellness actually started ‘Make in India’ much before the slogan caught fancy of the Indian community. Brand Companio is the latest entrant in this quest of holistic health and wellness.

From Vision to Production

Camex Wellness was established with a vision of creating a legacy of growth, inspiration, and abundance in our midst, especially the abundance of health and wealth. With that objective in mind, the company started looking for the possibility of healing some of the most endemic lifestyle disorders. But there was a catch. We decided that the solution must comply with the following characteristics:

  • unique in design
  • as close to natural solution as possible
  • advanced technology
  • simple to use
  • easily integrated into the modern lifestyle
  • without side effects
  • easy to partner and build a network
  • low investment
  • quick ROI

With the above qualification criteria in place, we set about identifying the problems that we wanted to address along with researching the solutions that existed. Once problems we wanted to address were shortlisted, our due diligence involved researching the globally available solutions. That kicked off the most difficult part of this journey – the research for improving or designing the best solution in line with the above criteria.

Rejection Galore

We roped in a design team from the reputed National Institute of Design (NID) to design fresh solutions or improve upon the existing ones. What followed was a spate of rejection of ideas; hundreds of design prototypes were ruthlessly rejected because they couldn’t satisfy all of the above conditions. After years of dedicated research, we approved the prototype of a few products and patented those technologies. That’s how rigorously we have built our product offering.

Built with Care, to Care

The brand Companio is built with a lot of care and love in order to care for you, the end customers and our dealers. We have rejected excellent designs that were not financially viable for a win-win franchise partnership and so couldn’t cater to the customers in the most optimal way possible. We now have a set of products which can heal a large section of society quickly and easily while simultaneously generating wealth quickly for the partners with matching philosophy.

Get in Touch

If you are a potential dealer, get in touch with us right now. It will be extremely difficult for you to find a lower risk investment than Companio.

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